Each week the bulletin will include a story from the congregational records, or members of the congregation, about our Church Family. You are invited to submit a story (one or two paragraphs please) to Nicole at the Church Office – ncuzzi@fpcsr.org and we will line the memories up for the bulletin and the newsletter!
The Story of the Collection Plates
The Collection plates in use in the sanctuary today were given to the Church in 1899. At one point they disappeared and were feared stolen. It was very traumatic, as Vera described it in her 75th year history, but all ended well.
“Mrs. Wintringham gave the collection plates to the church in 1899. They were used on Sunday and then they disappeared. She heard nothing about what had happened to them and no word of appreciation. Time passed with the whole Wintringham family wondering what in the world had happened to the collection plates. (When Norm Pott told this story on the 125th anniversary he speculated there was worry they had been stolen).
Finally, they learned that because there were no pads in the bottom of them, they had made a noise (most people in those days put in coins) and Elder Stevenson had simply put them away, saying nothing. When Mrs. Wintringham learned what the trouble was she had velvet pads made for them and they have been in use ever since.”
Today the collection plates can be found, pads and all (and well worn), in the back of the sanctuary where they are a symbol of the congregations eternal dedication to the church.